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History of Crystal Violet

From the height of the Egyptian era, the special protective properties of crystal violet were appreciated. At that time, the most exquisite essences and natural healing products were kept in purple and gold crystal containers.


On that note, alchemists of the Middle Ages knew about the characteristic qualities of shimmering violet crystal. With the advance of industrialization and the appearance of new packaging materials, crystal violet fell into oblivion over the last century.

Violet glass: the perfect container for the most exquisite products

It aims to offer its customers exceptional quality. Components, naturalness, efficacy, taste, keeping quality and other important criteria must be of the highest quality.

When your products reach your customers, you will be able to preserve all the quality that characterizes them for a long time.

This does not happen with conventional packaging materials, as they do not allow delicate products sufficiently from the effects of light, which reduces their quality.

Violet glass is an exclusive option to maintain the value of your products during inclement weather.

To meet our quality requirements, our products are developed by hot and cold coating processes and are mainly packaged in grids.

Iare functions.

The sun emits visible and invisible light. The human eye is able to perceive the visible spectrum when white light is broken through a glass prism. But light also reaches an invisible part of light: the longitude of infrared and UV-A electromagnetic waves.

Plants grow with sunlight. If, after their maturation process is complete, they continue to receive sunlight, the effect of light is reversed, accelerating the process of molecular decomposition. The violet glass acts as a natural filter that allows the passage of the part of the solar lamp that protects and improves the most important and delicate substances.
There is a wide range of packaging materials available today, many of which allow visible light to pass through. The following graphs describe how light passes through different materials:

Violet glass blocks the entire spectrum of visible light except ultraviolet light. In addition, it allows a certain amount of UV-A and infrared radiation to pass through. This exclusive combination guarantees the best protection against the aging process caused by visible light and helps prolong the shelf life and effectiveness of the products.

In order to demonstrate its benefits, a series of tests were carried out in collaboration with scientific institutions. They are also functionally demonstrated through biophotonics.


light for health

This is the slogan used by the German government for its initiative to promote research and development of optical solutions to biological and medical problems in 2001. Every living cell contains light, which is essential for its structure and function.

The quality of food and the ingredients used, for example in cosmetics and food supplements, directly influence our health.

Biophotonics makes it possible to harmonize the processes within and between living cells, also offers knowledge of the early detection of diseases, optimized cultivation methods, food quality control, etc.

What is biophotonics?

The term “biophotonics” is made up of two Greek words: “bios” and “phos”. "Bios" means life and "phos" means light.

Biophotonic treatment of medical and biological problems is the form of light-based technologies recounted as modern microscopy and spectroscopy, or the use of lasers for the study of cellular biological processes.

The heart of biophotonics research is the application of the qualities of light in food, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and medical technology. With the help of light, images of microscopic processes taking place inside living cells can be quickly and easily taken.


New data thanks to biophotonics

From the studies adapted to the BWI so far, it is clear that the quality that makes food healthy does not only depend on its biochemical composition. It is obvious that the quality is influenced by the "photoenergy" of the cells, hence the existence of this demonstrable thanks to research in biophotonics.

Biophoton measurements are the precaution that plant foods and plant extracts contain as excellent reservoirs of “photoenergy”. The packaging and storage of these products is extremely important to preserve this "energy". Thanks to the particularity that the lamp lets through violet light, the fact that it lets through part of the UV-A and IR light, and which blocks visible light, violet light is the ideal solution.

experiment with chives

Splattered glass, as well as white, green and tan glass, allow the visible light spectrum to pass through and do not provide sufficient protection against the light-induced decay process. In a storage experiment, various herbal and spice preparations were stored for a period of three months in different types of glass (white, brown and purple), out of direct sunlight or indoors for several hours a day.

After two months, the quality of the products is documented by photographing the visual changes of these products and, in a blind experiment with human promoters, the flavor changes are also determined. The illustration clearly shows the discoloration of chive samples stored in brown and white glass and exposed to sunlight. As can be seen in the photograph, the sample stored in crystal violet shows no discoloration. Additionally, the chive scent of Crystal Violet was noticeably stronger and fresher.

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Exptomato planter

To more easily substantiate the excellent protective properties offered by crystal violet, a microbiological experience made from cherry tomatoes. A glass white cherry tomato and a glass purple cherry tomato were hung for seven months and stored at room temperature in sunlight. After September, the results were photographed. The microbiological changes of the tomato stored in the white glass are evident. In contrast, the tomato stored in the violet glass showed no discoloration or signs of drying out.

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water crystals

Masaru Emoto, the father of water crystal photography, was born in Yokohama, Japan on July 22, 1943. When he learned that no two snow crystals were the same, he came to in mind that he could document the water quality by photographing the frozen drops and assigning a young researcher to confirm it using a high-resolution microscope. Over time, his photographs have traveled the world.

According to her theories, the memory waters and reacts to the treatment she receives. Spring water has beautiful harmonious hexagons full of filigree, while water from the lower courses of rivers does not contain crystals. In his work, he asserts that the graphic language of water is very varied. The images, shapes and figures obtained from their study cannot be reproduced, in the same way that nature does not repeat itself. With this method, no conclusions can be drawn about the chemical, biological and physical qualities. However, I thought that with photographs of water crystals, the information and energy content could not be extracted.

For our experiments, three pharmaceutical bottles made of white, brown and violet glass are filled with water, which are stored in the short term for 7 days and in the medium term for 74 days. We want to reiterate that the graphic language of water is multi-dimensional and scientific conclusions cannot be drawn.

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From left to right: 7 or 74 days in violet – brown – white glass




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